Mozart Bicentennial Stamps

Mozart Bicentennial Stamps

This post features the Mozart bicentennial stamps from 1956. The entire musical world seems to celebrate the major milestone anniversaries of important composers. For example, this year, 2020, is the…
Helsinki Opera House Stamps

Helsinki Opera House Stamps

This post features the Helsinki Opera House stamps from Finland in 1993. Music institutions such as theaters, symphony halls, and opera houses are common features on postage stamps. Such buildings…
Joseph Haydn Stamps

Joseph Haydn Stamps

This article features my collection of Joseph Haydn stamps. Composers are very popular on stamps. In fact, 2022 marks a century for composer stamps. The very first composer stamps are…
Clara Schumann Stamps

Clara Schumann Stamps

This post features Clara Schumann stamps. Composers are very popular themes on stamps from many countries. The very first composer stamps were by Austria in 1922. Many others followed, including…
Beethoven on Stamps

Beethoven on Stamps

**This post featuring Beethoven on stamps was originally published on December 17, 2020. It was updated on February 19, 2022. One of the most beloved and influential composers in all…