Ignacy Paderewski Stamps

Ignacy Paderewski Stamps

This post features Ignacy Paderewski stamps. On this blog, I often discuss the way countries celebrate composers and musicians on postage stamps. They can be cultural figures that instill pride…
Dietrich Buxtehude Stamp

Dietrich Buxtehude Stamp

This article is about the West Germany Dietrich Buxtehude stamp of 1987. Buxtehude was an important organist of the seventeenth century, establishing a northern European Baroque keyboard style in the…
Oaxacan Cathedral Organ Stamp

Oaxacan Cathedral Organ Stamp

The Oaxacan cathedral organ is on a 2013 stamp from Mexico. Organ stamps are fairly common and a great resource into their variety is the Pipe Organs of the World…
Dresden State Opera Stamp

Dresden State Opera Stamp

This article features the Dresden State Opera stamp from Germany in 1991. The stamp honors the 150th anniversary of the Semperoper house in Dresden. Gottfried Semper was the designer of…