Israeli Shofar Stamp Set

Israeli Shofar Stamp Set

This article features the Israeli shofar stamp set from 2010. The shofar is an ancient natural trumpet made from an animal horn, used for Jewish religious events. The instrument is…
Mbiras on Stamps

Mbiras on Stamps

This post features African instruments known as mbiras on stamps. That is only one name for the instrument, it can also be known as an ikembe, kalimba, amrimbula, sansa, or…
Irish Harp Stamps

Irish Harp Stamps

The Celtic harp (or clárseach in Irish) is the official emblem of Ireland. It is a rare musical instrument that serves as a symbol of a country. As such, the…
Saxophone Stamp Board

Saxophone Stamp Board

The saxophone is one of the most popular musical instruments in the world. While it is prominent in jazz, it is also a mainstay in classical orchestras and pops up…
Thailand Musical Instrument Set 1982

Thailand Musical Instrument Set 1982

In 1982, Thailand produced a set of eight stamps featuring traditional musical instruments. Each stamp features either one or two instruments that are floating on a rather non-descript background. There…
Ring in the New Year!!!

Ring in the New Year!!!

There are many different ways that people and cultures across the world mark the turn of the New Year. However, in many places the ringing of bells plays an important…