Post Horn Stamps of Azerbaijian

Post Horn Stamps of Azerbaijian

Another country that has used the post horn on a series of postal stamps is Azerbaijian. As a former part of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Azerbaijian only issued its first postage stamps as an independent country in the modern era in 1992. In 1994, they released a set of five postage stamps that featured a beautifully ornate post horn. Each stamp is monochromatically printed in a different color with a different denomination printed in the upper left hand corner.

Azerbaijian, 1994
Scott Numbers: Az 426 (5M); AZ 427 (10M); AZ 428 (20 M)
Azerbaijian, 1994
Scott Numbers: AZ 429 (25M); AZ 431 (40M)

1995 Surcharge Stamps

In 1995, Azerbaijian needed to raise the prices on its stamps. Instead of issuing a new set of stamps with larger denominations, the country instead chose to charge a surcharge to this set of postage stamps. Stamped in black ink over the previous stamp designs the earlier denominations in the left corner was blocked out (ish, you can still read the number behind the lines) and the new denoination is printed in the middle of the stamp on top of the post horn.

Azerbaijian, 1994 with surcharges (1995)
Scott Numbers: AZ 487 (5M/100 M); AZ 488 (10M/250M); AZ 489 (20M/500M)
Azerbaijian, 1994 with surcharges (1995)
Scott Numbers: AZ 490 (20M/500 M); AZ 492 (40M/900M)

Make sure to check out my post all about post horns!